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Wilderness Imagination Learning & Discovery
reconnect with nature
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Bushcraft & Outdoor Adventure Courses
W.I.L.D. is based south of Cambridge (UK) and we run courses in bushcraft, survival and traditional woodland skills.
There are two ways to approach outdoor adventure: the Bear Grylls way of survival, pitting your wits against the wilds, high octane fun and adventure. Or the Ray Mears bushcraft way of listening and learning from nature, using your wisdom and skills to negotiate the wilds. Both ways work very well and we combine the best of both to give people a deeper understanding of the natural environment around them on courses that are accessible to all, young and old, men and women.
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On this course we spend the day exploring our primitive fascination with fire. We teach you first how to prepare your fire so it will light first-time, then use fire by friction to get it going. Then we discover some of the best ways to manage and maintain a fire, and the best fire for warmth, cooking, or just a fire to sit around telling stories and whittling.
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Family Overnight Camp-out
We have designed this course to be an adventure for the family. Our aim is that you awake and the first thing you see is the wild woods around you rather than the inside of a tent. You can enhance your camp by having a small fire beside your shelter, this is a lovely way to fall asleep to flickering firelight. We show you how to do this safely. Once your camp is all set we show you some fireside crafts and how to cook your evening meal on the main camp fire.
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Family Day
On this course you are allowed to be a kid again, and hang out with your children. We make sure everyone is safe so you can relax and as a family share that innocent sense of excitement and adventure as you rediscover the wild.
A modern family rarely gets the time to be together without constant distractions pulling our attention; TV, internet, social media, work. In the woods, nature gently brings us back together as we learn ancient skills, make fire, and reignite our imaginations with hands on traditional skills.
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Upcoming Bushcraft Courses
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“I’ve taken my Son year after year to the Wildlore Summer Campouts and we’ve both loved it every time! Dave is absolutely fabulous at engaging the kids. It’s great Father and Son time learning the Bushcraft skills together” [...]
Read More... from Jonathan Porter